For NaPoWriMo, my version

Although I did publish a chapbook last year of poems written during a month of prompts, Poeming the Prompt (A.P.D.), I’m not one for this form of assignment, mainly because I don’t like doing something because everyone else is doing it. But I know it…
Dan Wilcox NGS8

Dan Wilcox NGS8

Although I did publish a chapbook last year of poems written during a month of prompts, Poeming the Prompt (A.P.D.), I’m not one for this form of assignment, mainly because I don’t like doing something because everyone else is doing it. But I know it works for some writers, & there is value in having a task & working at completing it. So I came up with my own version of NaPoWriMo.

For the month of April I will be reading/studying a different poet each day. If this (or anything else in my day) inspires a poem then I will write it. I am keeping a small notebook to record what I’ve read & anything I write. For April 1st, my poet was Adrienne Rich, who died last week at the age of 82. I’d been reading her work over the weekend & did a tribute at the Poetry + Prose open mic at the Arts Center on Sunday.

On Monday my poet is Robert Desnos (1900 – 1945).

& here’s a little surprise fragment from Sunday afternoon:

in the rain, obviously
like tears, & a time
to speak pledges,
dinner, the richness
of cheese, pasta the
wine filling empty
glasses left over
how we got through
the Winter, with me
with you, & now rain

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