Soon after the re-organization of Albany Poets in late-2003 when more people started getting involved and helping with projects, we released the CD, Didn’t I Hear You Read?. This was a great CD that represented some of the diversity of the local poetry community at the time as well as giving the incredilbty talented Leo (Mr. Gone) a way to showcase his musical / production skills.
To celebrate the release of Didn’t I Hear You Read? we featured some of the poets (Marcus Anderson, Emily Gonzalez, Don Levy, The Poet Essence) at the 2005 Albany Word Fest.
This CD contains many familiar names and even familiar poems, but the music takes all of these pices to another level. Take a listen and let us what you think.
Rachel Zitomer – This House is All Surface
[audio:|titles=This House is All Surface- Rachel Zitomer]
Dan Wilcox – Over Japan
[audio:|titles=Over Japan – Dan Wilcox]
Marcus Kwame Anderson – Moses’ Beard
[audio:|titles=Moses’ Beard – Marcus Kwame Anderson]
Nicole Cecilia Delgado – La Ciudad
[audio:|titles=La Ciudad – Nicole Cecilia Delgado]
Kristen Day – The 6:20 and the 2:45
[audio:|titles=The 6-20 and the 2-45 – Kristen Day]
Dain Brammage – Freedom
[audio:|titles=Freedom – Dain Brammage]
Emily Gonzalez – How Much
[audio:|titles=How Much – Emily Gonzalez]
Mary Panza – Johnny Braveheart
[audio:|titles=Johnny Braveheart – Mary Panza]
The Poet Essence – Four Seasons
[audio:|titles=Four Seasons – The Poet Essence]
Don Levy – But I’m A Cheerleader
[audio:|titles=But I’m A Cheerleader – Don Levy]
Thom Francis – Radio Man
[audio:|titles=Radion Man – Thom Francis]
If you would like a copy of the CD in physical form, send us an email at with your address and we will send it your way.