Celebrating National Poetry Month in Saratoga



April is National Poetry Month and there will be quite a celebration in Saratoga as local poet Barbara Garro and the Saratoga Poetry & Song Focus Group will be presenting poetry readings in public places each and every Saturday in April. There is still time to get on the list if you are interested in participating.

 “Celebrating National Poetry Month in April in Public Places

Hosted by Barbara Garro’s Saratoga Poetry & Song Focus Group.

Family-friendly and free to the general public.

Readings take place each Saturday in April 2012, from 1-3 pm in downtown Saratoga Springs, NY.

Time allowed to each poet depends upon how many featured poets and other poets signed up.

On April 7th and 21st, the readings will take place inside Saratoga Arts’ building, Broadway & Spring Streets.

On April 14th, the readings will take place on the steps of the U.S. Post Office at Broadway & Church Streets.

On April 28th, the readings will take place at Feneex Boutique on 30 Beekman Street.

April 14th is already booked with poets, but slots are available for April 7th, 21st, and 28th for poets to sign up.

Poets Already Scheduled to Read:  Barbara Garro, Ed Grocke, Nancy Denofio, Carl Dana, Sandra Balint, Therese Broderick, Julie Gutmann, Sarah Giragosian, Jil Hanifan, Carol Graser, Cecele Kraus, Francelise Dawkins, Mike Jurkovic, Jan Tramontano

Poets will not be paid for their readings. Poets may bring their own books to sell, but must handle their own sales. No tables or cash boxes will be available for selling books.

IF YOU WANT TO READ, call Barbara Garro at 518-587-9999 and leave a message with your phone number.


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