Sunday Four Open Mic Featuring Tom Corrado and Mark O’Brien

Tom Corrado

Tom Corrado

The Sunday Four Open Mic series kicks off the new year on January 22 with featured poets Tom Corrado and Mark O’Brien at Old Songs in Voorheesville.

Dear Poe-ettes in the Capital Region,

Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic this month will take place JANUARY 22nd and we have two wonderful poets featured: TOM CORRADO & MARK O’BRIEN.

You have to put this on your calendar because their program is listed as “Multimedia and the Muse: Performance and Poesy.”

They will be doing stuff with sound, images, and the spoken word in different formats and arrangements. Expect something unique and interesting and beautiful.
We have seen their work in the past and you will get new ideas as well as visions!!

Bring your own work to read. This month we will limit work to two short poems to give a wee bit more time to the multimedia event. We still meet at Old Songs situated diagonally across from Stewart’s in Voorheesville.

Afterward we always repair for food and good cheer to the POETS’ CORNER at Smith’s Tavern.  That is part of the event as well: good cheer and conviviality.

Have you figured out yet what are the two most famous Poet’s Corners around this globe?!?!

Yours in the muse,

Dennis Sullivan
Mike Burke
Edie Abrams

Here is the schedule for the first half of 2012. You may notice a few familiar names…

JAN 22—MULTIMEDIA AND  THE MUSE: PERFORMANCE AS POESY with Tom Corrado (Middleburgh, NY) and Mark O’Brien (Clarksville, NY)
FEB 26— Ron Pavoldi (Schenectady, NY)
MARCH 25—Alan Catlin (Schenectady, NY)
MAY 27—Thom Francis (Albany, NY)
JUNE 24—Bernadette Mayer (East Nassau, NY)

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