This Saturday, down at the Colony Cafe in the beautiful town of Woodstock, the Woodstock Poetry Society will gather for their monthly reading (and annual meeting) featuring two wonderful poets, Mary Kathryn Jablonski and Roberta Gould hosted by Chronogram poetry editor Phillip Levine.
Here is the information on the reading and what is coming up in the new year from the host:
Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival Reading: 12/December 10th, 2011 2pm – Mary Kathryn Jablonski; Roberta Gould; and Annual Business & Planning Meeting & Open Mike – Woodstock Community Center
Note the venue – until further notice we will be at the Colony Cafe (22 Rock City Road).
For Immediate Release – for further information contact Phillip Levine (845)246-8565 or email: [email protected]
Poets Mary Kathryn Jablonski and Roberta Gould will be the featured readers, along with an open mike and the (short) Annual Business & Planning Meeting when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at the Colony Cafe, 22 Rock City Road, on Saturday, December 10th at 2pm. Note: WPS&F meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of every month, generally, at the Colony Cafe.
The readings will be hosted by Woodstock area poet Phillip Levine. All meetings are free, open to the public, and include an open mike.
Mary Kathryn Jablonski – A visual artist and poet, Mary Kathryn Jablonski freelances in design and PR. She is the author of the chapbook To the Husband I Have Not Yet Met (APD Press, 2008), and her poems have appeared in numerous literary journals including the Beloit Poetry Journal, Salmagundi, Blueline, The Healing Muse, and Chronogram Magazine. She recently completed her first book-length collection of poems and a second chapbook manuscript.
Roberta Gould – Roberta Gould was born in New York City, attended Brooklyn College and the National University of Mexico. Recent work in Socialism and Democracy, New York Quarterly, Full of Crow: some previous poems in New York Times, Green Mountain Review, Confrontation, Chronogram, and in anthologies including Voices from Here, Milkweed. Her latest book, “Louder Than Seeds” (Foothills Publishing), followed by “What History Trammels” and a new collection which is in submission. She edited and published “Light: A Poetry Review”, is contributing editor for Home Planet News, and works with “Haitian People’s Support Project” which has achieved much in Haiti with our local support. Her website is
This was our 2011 schedule of featured readers:
January 8th – Marcia Slatkin; Rebecca Schumejda
February 12th – Cheryl A. Rice; Pauline Uchmanowicz
March 12th – Georganna Millman; Pui Ying Wong; Tim Suermondt
April 9th – Jane Ormerod (poet/editor hell strung and crooked, Uphook Press) w/contributors Mary McLaughlin Slechta, Robert Gibbons, Bruce Weber
May 14th – Jackie Sheeler; Mary Eliza Crane; Sharmagne Leland-St. John
June 11th – Eve Packer; Matthew Hupert
July 9th – Allen Fischer; Barbara Ungar
August 13th – Donald Lev; Linda Lerner
September 10th – David Messineo; Dennis Wayne Bressack
October 8th – Teresa M. Costa; Victoria Sullivan
October 22nd – Jean Valentine and Tim Seibles
November 12th – Matt Spireng; Suzanne Cleary, Jay Wenk, Walt Nygard, & Dayl Wise
December 10th – Mary Kathryn Jablonski; Roberta Gould;Our 2012 schedule of featured readers is still firming up, but upcoming:
January 14th – Frank Boyer; Guy Reed
February 11th – Elizabeth Coleman; Lee Slominsky
Also, why not become a 2011 Member of the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival?Membership is a nominal $15 a year. (To join, send your check to the Woodstock Poetry Society, P.O. Box 531, Woodstock, NY 12498. Include your email address as well as your mailing address and phone number. Or join online at: http://www.woodstockpoetry.
com/become.html ). Your membership helps pay for meeting space rental, post-office-box rental, the WPS website, and costs associated with publicizing the monthly events. One benefit of membership is the opportunity to have a brief biography and several of your poems appear on this website.