December 6, 2011

R.M. Engelhardt

Albany and Lark St. Poems and Haikus

Local poet and personality R.M. Engelhardt recently went ahead and gathered some of his many Albany and Lark Street poems on his blog…

Jason Crane

POEM: expenses

Listen to this poem using the player above. / / / expenses $1.00 for the three congueros           on the D train           black men with beautiful braids           down their backs           too meticulous to be dreadlocks $5.00 for queso made from yeast           bought from a friendly former hippie           in a Bushwick bar           where a bomb would have […]

UAG Gallery

It’s Time That We Saved & Encouraged The Things That…

R.M. Engelhardt posted the recent Times Union article discussing the possible closure of the beloved UAG Gallery on Lark Street, a gallery that has been home to many poetry events and open mics, including the Albany Word Fest, since they opened the doors over five years ago.

Adam Falkner

First Night in Saranac Lake with Adam Falkner

Our friends at the Adirondack Center for Writing, who are doing great things to promote literary events and more up in northern New York, are holding a special First Night

New page — “Recorded Readings”

I’ve done quite a few poetry readings over the past year, several of which have been recorded. I finally got around to putting them all together on one page — Recorded Readings. You can also access this page from the navigation menu on the…