HVWG newsletter released, October 16

Hudson Valley Writers Guild Newsletter, October 15, 2011

In This Issue

Guild Announcements: October Writing Conference, Save the date for HVWG Board Meeting

Member Announcements: Anthony Bernini, Carolee Sherwood, M.E. Kemp, Melinda Morris Perrin, Jan Marin Tramontano, Barbara M. Traynor

Area Announcements: Writers Institute Readings at UAlbany, Third Thursday Reading in Albany , Sunday Four Reading in Voorheesville, Writers Open Mic in Slingerlands, New Reading Series in Hudson, Artist Wishes to Hire Writer

Guild Announcements

HVWG Writers Conference
The HVWG writing conference held at the East Greenbush library on October 2 was a great success, from attendance of about 45 people to a lively discussion on electronic publishing vs. print books and a workshop with Hallie Ephron, author of award-winning novels and books on writing, who gave practical advice and tips on writing. The conference was organized by M. E. Kemp.

Save the date: November 14
Please mark November 14 on your calendar for the annual HVWG membership meeting at the Colonie Town Library starting at 7 p.m.

Schenectady Community of Writers, November 20, 2-4 p.m.
The Schenectady Community of Writers is November 20 at the Schenectady Public Library from 2-4 p.m. Readers will be available before and after the program for signing and selling their books. Refreshments will be served. The program includes the following participants: Virginia Bach Folger, Sara Foss, Carol Graser, D. Alexander Holiday, M.E. Kemp, Bob Sharkey, Steven Swartz, Barbara Louise Ungar and David Weiss. Alan Catlin will serve as moderator.

Member Announcements

Anthony Bernini announces the publication of his second volume of poetry, Immediate Worlds. Those who visit Albany on October 24 can obtain an inscribed copy from the author at McGeary’s tavern, located at 4 Clinton Square, where Bernini will be the featured poet at a reading beginning at 8 p.m. Cheeses and sweets will be served, and libations will be available from the bar.

Carolee Sherwood will be the featured poet at Caffé Lena on November 2.

M. E. Kemp spoke on “Writing the Historical Mystery” at the Clifton Park/Half Moon library on September 23. Kemp will also give a talk to the Women’s Club of Valley Falls on November 9.

Poet Melinda Morris Perrin will be reading from her latest volume, Winterberries: Poems of Hope, at the Open Door Book Store on Friday, December 16, as part of Schenectady’s Arts Night. Winterberries is published by Ice Cube Press, North Liberty, Iowa.

Jan Marin Tramontano‘s poetry chapbook, Paternal Nocturne, will be available for pre-order purchase through Finishing Line Press: finishinglinepress.com/NewReleasesandForthcomingTitles. The number of copies pre-ordered determines the print run. The book will be available January 2012. Jan is doing a reading at the Book House on Saturday, November 5, at 3 p.m. and will read at the Women’s Building on November 11 (details forthcoming).

Barbara M. Traynor, author, Second Career Volunteer…. a budgetary lifestyle of travel with free room and board, will be at the following locations with a PowerPoint presentation along with signing books: Friday, October 28, Rensselaerville Public Library, 7-9 p.m.; Thursday, November 3, Troy Public Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m.; and Wednesday, November 9, “Lunch ‘n Learn” – Bethlehem YMCA, Noon-1 p.m.

Area announcements

Writers Institute Fall Reading Series
Among the upcoming events are poet and cultural critic Wayne Koestenbaum reading at the Assembly Hall, Campus Center on the Uptown Campus of UAlbany on October 20 at 8 p.m.; poet and memoirist Philip Schultz reading in the Standish Room of the Science Library of the Uptown Campus on October 25 at 8 p.m.; and fiction writer Colson Whitehead reading at the Assembly Hall on November 1 at 8 p.m. For additional information, including about seminars conducted by these writers and about several more events during this stretch, visit the website at albany.edu/writers-inst.

Third Thursday Poetry Night, October 20, 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting of this open mic series will feature poet Mike Jurkovic at the Social Justice Center in Albany at 33 Central Avenue. Dan Wilcox is the host.

Sunday Four Reading, October 30, 3 p.m.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 30, 3 p.m. -— the 5th Sunday of the month, repeat, the 5th Sunday of the month for Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic. Our featured poet this month will be long-time friend of Sunday Four, Jason Crane. Jason has been experimenting with new verse so we are in for a great treat. Not to be missed. He is always good.

Bring your own latest work to read. We are located, of course, at Old Songs situated across from Stewart’s in Voorheesville. Check the Old Songs website for detailed directions. For those who like to toast the poet and the Muse after the event, well, many of us repair for a pint at the POETS’ CORNER at Smith’s Tavern.

Writers Open Mic Night, November 11, 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the red oak tree, Rootdrinker Institute and the Delmar Writers Group, a Writers Open Mic Night will be held at the Pine Hollow Arboretum Visitors Center, 16 Maple Avenue, Slingerlands, New York on Friday, November 11. Linda Sonia Miller will be featured. Other poets can read three short poems, or two long poems, or any combination thereof. Also two pages of prose will be acceptable. Light refreshments. Donations welcomed.

New Hudson River Loft Reading Series, November 12, 7 p.m.
The Musica Loft, 17 N. 4th Street, Hudson. Featured Readers: Daniel Nester, Sean H. Doyle, Chloe Caldwell, Stacy Pershall, Mira Ptacin, Danielle Winterton. Suggested donation of $5. There will be alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, books for sale and a wonderful night filled with prose, poems, essays and fiction.

Local Artist Seeks Writer
miChelle M. Vara, a local artist, is looking for some one with excellent art writing skills who is for hire. It is only occasionally that she has projects. The candidate must be a writer who is experienced in arts, i.e.: art historian. Contact information is: miChelle M. Vara 518-587-8706; 6 Ballard Road Art Studio, Wilton NY; www.michellevara.com; michellevara-art.blogspot.com; or picasaweb.google.com/michellevara09


The Hudson Valley Writers Guild offers space in its newsletter for submission and program opportunities but does not endorse any programs or publications that are not offered through the Guild. Two notes from the newsletter editors:
* Within each section, announcements/events are arranged, when possible, by relevant dates.
* We are always curious to know if the formatting “works” (appears neat and tidy) in your email or if it causes issues (is difficult to read). Send feedback and suggestions regarding any formatting issues to hvwginfo@gmail.com.
* News items should go to Bob Sharkey at riverrun@nycap.rr.com. Please use Times New Roman size 12 font whenever possible.

Thank you!

–Carolee Sherwood, Newsletter Co-Editor
-Bob Sharkey, Newsletter Co-Editor

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