New Poetry – Marcus Anderson

Marcus Anderson

Marcus Anderson

Poet, Painter, Artist – Marcus Anderson has blessed the Capital Region with his art, both written and visual, for a few years now and we are very glad that he has shared his poetry with us. Marcus has been one of the featured poets on the Albany Poets website since the beginning, 11 years ago, and was one of the readers at our very first spoken word event at the Changing Spaces Gallery back in 2000. Since then he has featured at many of the open mics and readings in the area. His art has been on display all over Albany, recently at the “BoardedUP Exhibition & Silent Auction” at the Grand Street Community Arts.

Marcus Andersonis a poet/visual artist who was born in Kingston Jamaica. He has lived in the Capital Region since the age of 2, and has been involved in some form of the arts for as long as he can remember.

Marcus has been a featured reader at “Alchemy of the Word,” at the Lionheart Cafe, The Lark Street Book Store, School of Night, Live from the Living Room, VoX, and Changing Spaces art gallery. He also doesn’t like to write bio’s about himself… he really doesn’t… the poems are the bios.

Marcus has four new poems on the site: Live Love, Eight, Freedom, and Sinner’s Hands

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