BookMarks – The Memoir Project Reading Series – Call for Entries

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

Yesterday we talked about Dan Nester’s Memoir Office project and new eBook and today we have news from the good folks over at The Arts Center who have a call for entries going on right now for their group reading series, “BookMarks”.

There is a category for almost every style of writing in this call for entries. Here is all the information that you need to get involved with this great program:

BookMarks – The Memoir Project Reading Series

The Memoir Project, a program of The Arts Center of the Capital Region, invites submissions for Bookmarks, a series of group readings featuring writing that is grounded broadly in personal experience. Experienced writers as well as those whose work has not previously been read publicly, or published are encouraged to submit work.

Each scheduled reading will be curated by a member of the Arts Center’s Literary Committee. Details about the submission criteria and schedule for each curator are listed below. New this year, rather than a single deadline, each individual reading has a separate submission date.

Works will be evaluated “blindly” on literary excellence and relevance to the broader Memoir Project theme (i.e. does the work mine the personal to express the universal?) as well as the individual requirements set by each curator. Please submit no more than once to any individual curator. Works may be edited for length and for synergy with other readers.

Special Young People’s Category new this year!
“TRADITIONS” curated by Tammy Robinson, Skribbler’s Magazine
Students aged 9 to 12 are invited to submit works of poetry or prose on the theme of traditions. Entries should not exceed 500 words and are subject to editing by the curator.
Reading, November 16th, 2011
Deadline, October 15th, 2011

Works of prose, no longer than 1,500 words
Reading, November 21st, 7pm
Deadline, October 10th

“FAMILY AT THE HOLIDAYS” curated by Marion Roach Smith
What more can we say but families and holidays? What a mix, right? Works of memoir, No longer than 750 words.
Reading December 19th, 2011, 7pm
Deadline, November 1st, 2011

“FOOD” curated by Robyn Ringler
Submissions up to 1200 words of memoir in any of its forms–personal essay, poetry, letters, monologue, drama but it must be memoir and related to memories that involve food.
Reading, January 23rd, 7pm
Deadline, December 1st, 2011

“TEXT AS ART” curated by Nancy Klepsch
Submissions may include visual or multi-media works
Reading, March 19th, 7pm (and/or a visual display during the month of February)
Deadline, January 15th, 2012

This evening’s reading will explore transformation. Our life stories are filled with moments of grief or insight and inspired by grace and joy. Take us along for the journey that transformed your life story. Poetry and prose are welcomed. Participants in last year’s Grace reading are cordially invited to return and new voices are especially encouraged to submit. Readings will be approximately 1,000 words each, but submissions may exceed this limitation. When the theme and time constraints are established for the reading, your work can be edited for a perfect fit!
Reading, February 27th, 7pm
Deadline, January 1st, 2012

“I DID!” curated by Nancy Klepsch and Lauren Pinsley
Memoir about getting married with a special focus on same sex marriages. Works should be no longer than 5 minutes. (Up to three pieces may be submitted for consideration)
Reading, Monday, April 23rd 2012, 7pm
Deadline, March 1st, 2012

Interested writers should submit a work sample as indicated and a resume/CV, both in PDF form to: Please include the following text in the subject line: “Memoir Project: (name of theme for which you are submitting) (your name)”. All submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on the deadline indicated in the description, specific to each category.

Bookmarks is a free program of The Arts Center of the Capital Region. Please visit for details about readings and other literary programs at happening at The Arts Center.

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