Albany Poets at Living Walls:Albany

Living Walls

Living Walls

Albany Poets is very proud to be a part of the Living Walls project on Saturday, September 17 at the Clark Auditorium in the New York State Museum starting at 2:00PM.

Living Walls: Albany is a project designed to raise awareness about the use of public space. It is about exploring options that a smaller city like ours has and giving the people here a chance to interact with public space as they never have before. Through a series of lectures, performances, and the involvement of some of the world’s great mural artists, we are looking to provide and education into public art. The Living Walls project is intent on creating an open dialogue between the people and city.

The Living Walls conference was started in Atlanta GA. Along with changing the urban landscape, the Living Walls conference set out to highlight a number of problems facing the city. Living Walls did not just showcase art, but also built a platform for much-needed dialogue in the city. The success of the event was so great that Living Walls is returning this year to take place in Atlanta, Ga and Albany, NY.

The Albany poetry and spoken word community will be represented at this event by Cheryl Rice, Avery, Nancy Denofio, Carol Graser, Christopher Rizzo, Joe Krausman, Jan Tramontano, Bob Sharkey, Miriam Axel-Lute, Tess Lecuyer, Bless, Carolee Sherwood and Jill Crammond.

This will be a great way to show your support of the city of Albany and the local arts community. You can follow the progress of the some of the murals on the Living Walls Tumblr site.

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