Call For Entries – Text As Art

image The Arts Center of the Capital Region has sent out a call for entries for its’ Bookmarks series. Here is the info and all the details on this very interesting project.

Call for Entries: TEXT AS ART curated by Nancy Klepsch

The Memoir Project, a program of The Arts Center of the Capital Region, invites visual/literary submissions for February’s Bookmarks, part of a series of group literary presentations featuring writing that is grounded broadly in personal experience. Events are curated by members of the Arts Center’s Literary Committee.

TEXT AS ART seeks to explore the intersection between the visual and literary worlds – The curator is calling for graphic representations of the spoken word, suitable for all ages, to be displayed in a public art space. Think Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger and those who combine words and text. Think about using technology. Please submit your idea described in writing or as a visual sample, along with a brief description.

Interested writers/artists should submit a proposal and a resume/CV, both in PDF form to Please include the following text in the subject line: "Memoir Project: Text as Art"

All submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday, January 31st (not a postmark date if submitting hard copy).

Bookmarks is a free program of the Arts Center of the Capital Region. Please check our website for details about readings and other literary programs at the Arts Center.

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