“Poet Rock Ritual” Coming to Saratoga Every Tuesday Starting Tuesday, Dec. 15

image Just got this in from Margot Malia Lynch about a new music/poetry/spoken word series up in Saratoga.  Sounds very interesting and should be a great time, especially considering where the inspiration came from.

Margot Malia Presents: POET ROCK RITUAL
An open mic for poets backed up by live musicians.

Every Tues night
Starting December 15th

Saratoga Springs, NY
(where backstreet billiards used to be, an alley street between phila and caroline, walking distance from caffe lena’s, the library..)

Sign up @8
830 SLAM (if there’s enough people…)
This is going to be a very interesting and organic process. I have a clear vision of how I would like it to go but new projects like this take time to get in the groove. I hope you’ll stop in a be a part of the process. I’ve been wanting to bring the poetry and music phenomenon to my hometown for several years and am ECSTATIC it’s happening.
$3 wines
2 for one well drinks
$3 suggested donation

The Putnam Den just opened up this summer and is a FABULOUS, huge NYC warehouse like spot. There’s couches, plenty of breathing space, murals.

I remember when I was going to the Poetry Jam in boston from the beginning. It feels awesome to be a part of a growing and evolving creative community. The Poetry Jam is celebrating it’s 13TH YEAR. www.poetryjam.com Let’s make this!

Your help in spreading the word is awesome to me.

MUSICIANS! CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A PART OF THIS. If you are a good listener and think you can support the mood of any kind of poem and improvise with others. Margotproductions@yahoo.com

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