Naugatuck River Review Narrative Poetry Contest

naugatuck This just in from our friend Lori Desrosiers (who will be one of the features this coming Saturday at Poets in the Park)

Contest Submission Deadline: September 1st
Judge for 2009 Contest:  Lesléa Newman

Lesléa Newman is the author of over 50 books including Heather Has Two Mommies, A Letter To Harvey Milk, Writing From The Heart, In Every Laugh a Tear, The Femme Mystique, Still Life with Buddy, Fat Chance and Out of the Closet and Nothing to Wear. She has received many literary awards including Poetry Fellowships from the Massachusetts Artists Fellowship Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, the Highlights for Children Fiction Writing Award, the James Baldwin Award for Cultural Achievement, and two Pushcart Prize Nominations. Nine of her books have been Lambda Literary Award finalists. She is Poet Laureate of Northampton, MA.

First prize is $1000 and publication in Naugatuck River Review
Second prize $250 and publication
Third prize of  $100 and publication

Winners will be published in the Winter 2010 Issue of Naugatuck River Review.
All entrants will receive one issue of Naugatuck River Review.

All poems will be considered for publication in the Winter 2010 Contest issue (Issue 3).

Contest deadline is September 1st, 2009.  Electronic submissions ONLY will be accepted through our Submission Manager.

Contest submission fee of $20 includes an issue of the journal.

Go to for guidelines and to access our new submission manager.

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