Upper Delaware Writers Collective Call For Submissions

One more call for submissions to tell everyone about today.

The Upper Delaware Writers Collective (UDWC) invites writers to submit poems for The Green Heron Poetry Project, a publication and performance opportunity. Poems should focus on the theme, “Create the reality that you’re hoping for.”
The UDWC has chosen the Green Heron (Butorides virescens), observed with increasing frequency in the Upper Delaware River Valley, as inspiration to showcase creative, constructive public expression concerning some critical issues of our time. Native Americans attributed to the Green Heron the qualities of self-reliance, determination, aggressive adaptability and innate balance. At a time when the area’s environment, infrastructures, communities, and way of life are on the brink of enormous change, the bird seems to embody characteristics important for our own species.

Submit up to three typed poems, each not more than 25 lines long. Please provide 3 copies of each poem you submit. The title(s) of the piece, author’s name, address, phone number and email must appear on a separate page. Do not include your contact information anywhere else on your submission or it will be disqualified. Include a 50-word bio with your submission. Send your work to UDWC, 1258 Crystal Lake Road, Narrowsburg, NY 12764, ATTN: GHPP. Deadline for submissions is June 1. Early submissions are encouraged.

The culmination of the project will be multi-disciplinary events in each of three river towns. Posters of the poems will be paraded to a venue where they will set the stage for a joint poetry reading and music/theater/dance performance. The posters will be permanently displayed in public spaces such as libraries and parks, as well as in commercial establishments such as coffee houses and restaurants, and will be available for sale to the public.

The Green Heron Poetry Project furthers the mission of the UDWC by fostering community engagement in the arts, specifically by facilitating public expression through poetry.  Looking forward, the collective hopes to publish the results of the project in a chapbook in 2010.

This project is made possible in part with funds from the Decentralization Program for Sullivan County, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered by Delaware Valley Arts Alliance.

For more information, call 570-685-8774.

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