Literary Gazette Call For Submissions

The Literary Gazette is seeking poetry and short prose submissions (essays or short fiction) on the subject of bridges-the real kind that cross rivers and roadways, and also the metaphorical bridges that connect us. We are interested in the history and beauty of bridges and their associations, whether old or modern, and also evocative writing that depicts how bridges of friendship, loyalty, compassion, ideas and cultural understanding bring us together. In these hard economic and social times, it is important to remember what connects us, rather than divides us, and to cross the bridges between us as often as we can.

The photographs of Sandy Long on the theme of bridges will be featured in this 2009 issue of the Literary Gazette, to be published by The River Reporter on July 3. The deadline for submissions is May 22.

Submit word documents to editor Mary Greene at or via snail mail to Literary Gazette, PO Box 150, Narrowsburg, NY 12764. Poetry is limited to 40 lines and five submissions per person. Prose is limited to 1,200 words and three submissions per person. There is no reading fee. Submissions cannot be returned. Include a short (up to four-sentence) bio as well as contact information with your submission. Payment for publication is two contributor’s copies

For more information email or call 845/252-7414, ext. 30.

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