Amy Halloran and Matthew Klane At The UAG, Mar 13

image Happy Monday! Yes it is early in the week but Albany Poets thought we would give you a reason to make it until Friday!

This Friday, March 13th ALBANY POETS PRESENTS: FRIDAY AT THE UAG, 247 Lark Street. We begin at 7pm!  Featuring Amy Halloran and Matthew Klane.

Amy Halloran writes short stories, prosey poems, and some vaguely agreed upon facts for a wide range of reading publics. Her work is archived on McSweeneys, Pindeldyboz and at her website, She lives in Troy with her husband, their two sons and five hens. The birds lay beautiful green eggs, and some not so lovely brown ones.

Matthew Klane is co-editor/founder of Flim Forum Press, publisher of the anthologies Oh One Arrow (2007) and A Sing Economy (2008). His book is B_____ Meditations from Stockport Flats Press (2008). His latest chapbooks include Sons and Followers, Friend Delighting the Eloquent, Sorrow Songs, and The- Associated Press. Also see: The Meister-Reich Experiments, a sprawling hypertext, online at He currently lives and writes in Albany, NY.

We will be streaming this event live on the web in case you are not able to make it out.  Head over to and click on “Launch Live Player” starting at 7:00PM.

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