Live Recording From Poetry at the UAG with Miriam Axel-Lute and Amanda Rose

image Friday night Miriam Axel-Lute and Amanda Rose featured at the opening of the new season of Poetry at the UAG. 

We have the audio from that reading available for download on the Albany Poets Podcast page.  

Miriam Axel-Lute

Miriam Axel-Lute is a mother, Albany resident, freelance writer and copy-editor, and columnist for Metroland. Her poetry has been published in various journals and anthologies, including You Are Here: New York City’s Streets in Poetry and Hunger Enough: Living Spiritually in a Consumer Society. Miriam has performed in pulpits, bookstores, bars, and living rooms all over the Northeast, and has two chapbooks, Souls Like Mockingbirds and Packing to Stay.

Amanda Rose

Amanda is the quintessential Gemini, floating in and out of the Albany poetry scene since 1998. A passionate woman, an unabashed workaholic and an insomniac, she previously hosted "Alchemy of the Word" open mic at the old Lion-Heart and has been featured at Mother Earth’s, Changing Spaces, Valentine’s & Poets Speak Loud at the Lark Tavern. After 10 years of writing mostly about the chaos of love (be it romantic, sexually deviant, platonic, spiritual or familial), she realizes that she still has a lot of learning & living yet to do…and a lot of tales left to write.

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