Poetry Cemetery Magazine Seeking Submissions

image The following is from an email from the editor of Poetry Cemetery with information on submitting to the magazine.

This magazine has been in existence since 2006.  We are currently seeking submissions– our submission requirements are below, and are, of course, available on our website.

I would greatly appreciate your passing along our request for submissions to any poet-friends– and letting any other connoisseur of poetry know about our site.

I am open to suggestions, comments, complaints– feel free to email me at any time.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Submission Guidlines:

Poetry Cemetery always welcomes unsolicited poetry submissions from both published and amateur poets alike.  Feel free to send us your best work at any time…just be sure you follow the rules/guidelines below:

  1. Send a maximum of 3 poems for consideration per issue.
  2. PROOFREAD your work before you send it.
  3. Send your poems in the body of the email…NOT as attachments.  Also, please be sure you  include titles (even if the title is "untitled"), and be sure we can distinguish the end of one poem from the beginning of the next.
  4. Please let us know if the poems you’ve sent us have been published elsewhere; it’s OK by us, just let us know where so we can properly credit the other publication.
  5. Please do not send anything that is excessively vulgar, pornographic, or otherwise offensive to the masses.  We believe that every art form has its place in the world…but this is not the  place for overtly offensive material.
  6. Please include a short bio– 100 words or so.
  7. Don’t forget your name and at least the city and state where you live.

By sending us your poetry, you are granting us publication rights for our website, and confirming that you have the rights to allow us to publish your work.
All work remains the property of the author–we merely ask that you give us credit if the piece is republished in the future.

We are also seeking artwork to decorate our pages.  If you would like to help us decorate our pages, please send us your artwork in JPEG format only, as an attachment to your email.

Send all submissions to: POETRYCEMETERY@GMAIL.COM

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