First of all, we want to thank everyone involved in WORD FEST 2008. The audiences were great, the performances were stellar and the UAG was once again so generous in lending their time and space to us.
Now here is what Albany Poets is asking from you:
We need contributors, editors, artists, photographers, and especially volunteers to help out with OTHER:. We want to take it to the next step and we need your ideas and hard work to make it happen. Are you good at writing reviews? Are you handy with a stapler? We need you and everyone in between to make OTHER: what it was meant to be: YOURS!!
We are having an informational meeting to discuss the future of OTHER: on Tuesday May 13th at 7:30pm. The location will be decided by the number of people interested. If you are interested in joining TEAM OTHER: contact Thom Francis at Introduce yourself, your experience, and your interests.