The Dan Wilcox Open Mic Commentary Round-Up

Dan Wilcox We are back with the Dan Wilcox Poetry Open Mic Commentary Round-Up. This week Dan did not comment on any open mics, but he did give his views of the new Behind the Egg reading at the Federation of Ideas and the Banned Books reading at the Albany Public Library.

Banned Books Read-Out, October 6

An annual event at the Albany Public Library, co-sponsored with New York Civil Liberties Union, Capital Region Chapter. John Cirrin, the Public Information Officer for the Library introduced Joanna Palladino who put the event together & was the M.C., with some opening remarks by Melanie Trimble, the NYCLU-CRC Executive Director. As usual, readers from the community picked their favorite of books that have been banned/challenged over the years. Many of these were books for children & young adults.

Behind the Egg at Point 5, October 6

Not quite literally behind the Egg, this series began it’s new season with 3 powerful poets from the area, Randall Horton, Cara Benson & Carol Graser. The hosts are Erik Sweet & Daniel Nester

As always, be sure to check out Dan’s blog often for more commentaries of local poetry events, readings, and yes, open mics.

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