The Dan Wilcox Open Mic Commentary Round-Up

Dan Wilcox Welcome back to our second edition of the Dan Wilcox Open Mic Commentary Round-Up, where we list the most recent poetry open mic and reading commentaries from Dan’s blog.

Third Thursday Poetry Night, September 20

Another third Thursday at the Social Justice Center, with your fantastic (objectively speaking) host, Dan Wilcox — hey, that’s me. And the muse was the late Grace Paley — “It is the responsibility of society to let the poet be a poet…” (“Responsibility”).

Poets Speak Loud, September 24

Twice in one week the featured poet doesn’t make it to his/her reading — global warming or the war in Iraq — or just the Full Moon? Robert Milby had car trouble last Wednesday & Barbara Vink had pneumonia tonight. I’m guessing that both will be rescheduled eventually. So the host, Mary Panza read Barb’s poem “The tavern keeper” from her new chapbook Heat Wave (Benevolent Bird Press, PO Box 522, Delmar, NY 12054 — handsewn, individual wood block print covers, edition of 100 copies, from Alan Casline).

Be sure to check out Dan’s blog often for more commentary on the upstate New York poetry scene.

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