Saratoga Poetry Room Deepening Our Connections Through Poetry is a new workshop series that will be taking place on Tuesday evenings from October 23 – November 20, 5:30-7:00 p.m. in Saratoga Springs led by Susan Jefts, MS and published poet.

A group for exploring, through poetry, the depth and beauty of autumn, both in the external landscape and our own internal landscapes. What do we keep returning to? What is essential in our lives? We will explore the words, rhythms and images of a new poem each week, accompanied by music, and delve into these and other questions. Appropriate for both new and experienced writers, and for poets and prose writers alike. There will be a chance to write each week.

The cost for this workshop series is $20 for each session.  Call 232-6776 to register or for questions. Also, be sure to check out for more comments about previous workshops and other information.

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