Behind the Egg with Cara Benson, Carol Graser, and Randall Horton

Behind the Egg After the Banned Books event at the library, be sure to head down to Madison Ave and check out what is looking like a great poetry reading at the CDFI.

Behind the Egg: A Reading Series at The Capital District Federation of Ideas, 383.5 Madison Avenue, Albany returns on Saturday, October 6 at 4:00PM with Cara Benson, Carol Graser, and Randall Horton. This series is curated by Daniel Nester and Erik Sweet.

Cara Benson currently believes in the accessibility of the inaccessible poem. Her work has, is, or will appear in 88, pom2, HOW2, EOAGH, Sentence, and BoogCity. Her wee-e-chapbook “Bound” is forthcoming from Dusie. She is editing a collection of writing for Chain Magazine, and her “Quantum Chaos and Poems: A Manifest(o)ation” is forthcoming from BookThug. Benson makes poems every Tuesday afternoon with male inmates at Mt. McGregor Correctional Facility in upstate NY.

Carol Graser hosts a monthly poetry series at Saratoga Spring’s legendary Caffe Lena and has performed her work at various events and venues around NYS. Her work has been published in many literary journals including Chaffin, artisan, Berkeley Poetry Review and Grasslands.She is the author of The Wild Twist of Their Stems (Foothills Publishing 2007). Find her blogging at MotherVerse.

Randall Horton, originally from Birmingham, Alabama, resides in Albany, New York. He is a former editor of Warpland: A Journal of Black Literature and Ideas (Fall 2005) and co-editor of Fingernails Across the Chalkboard (Third World Press, 2006). He received his undergraduate education at both Howard University and The University of the District of Columbia (B.A. English). He has a MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis in Poetry from Chicago State University, and is now a doctoral student at SUNY Albany. He received an Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation Summer Scholarship to attend Fine Arts Workcenter at Provincetown in 2005. He is also a Cave Canem fellow.

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