Albany Poets Presents Tonight at Valentines

Albany Poets Presents We hope you had a great weekend and were able to rest up because October is promising to be another great month of poetry.

Tonight is Albany Poets Presents at Valentines, 17 New Scotland Avenue, Albany NY. 7:30 sign-up, 8:00PM start. Hosted by our own Fancy Leader, Thom Francis.

Wednesday is Cafe Lena in Saratoga.

Thursday is vOLUME at Prof Java in Colonie.

Wednesday October 10th is Live From The Living Room at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in Albany. *This is a straight friendly reading.*

Friday, October 12th, 7:00PM, UAG Gallery on Lark Street in Albany, we are proud to present Allen Fisher. For more info on the event go to

Yikes, that is just the first two weeks of October.  Remember to pace yourselves through poetry.

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