POETS SPEAK LOUD Featuring K.J. Spencer

imageAlbany Poets returns to the Lark Tavern for our monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word, Poets Speak Loud, with featured poet K.J. Spencer on Monday, August 27.

K.J. Spencer has been a part of the poetry and music community for many years.  He one of the founders of Think3, a journal from Troy.  He is currently the host of the vOLUME:Music and Poetry series at Professor Java’s in Colonie.

POETS SPEAK LOUD takes place at Tess’ Lark Tavern (453 Madison Ave., Albany) on the last Monday of each month and is hosted by Mary Panza.  Sign up begins at 7:00PM, the featured poet goes on stage goes on stage at 7:30PM with the open mic following. 

For more poetry open mics and events in and around the Albany area, go to www.albanypoets.com/events

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