Poets "Under Cover" in Washington Park

On Saturday, July 7, the Poets in the Park series will begin its 2007 season at the Robert Burns Statue in Washinton Park. 

From host Dan Wilcox:

Poets in the Park has been celebrating poetry in July at the Robert Burns statue in Washington Park, Albany, NY since 1989. The series, formerly run by the late Tom Nattell and now hosted by Dan Wilcox, will continue with readings on Saturdays, July 7 through July 28; the readings start at 7:00 PM and are free & open to the public; donations are accepted. The Robert Burns statue is near where Henry Johnson Blvd. passes through Washington Park and crosses Hudson Ave.

The first reading in the series, on July 7, will be “Under Cover: Albany Poets read Albany Poets” in which the poets will be reading the poems of other local poets. This program is being coordinated by Thom Francis of Albany Poets(www.albanypoets.com)

The schedule of readings is:
July 14: Catilin Meissner & Chris Brobham
July 21: P. R. Dyjak & Barbara Louise Ungar
July 28: Alison Koffler & Dayl Wise

Please bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on. Rain dates for each event are the following Sunday, same time, same place.

Poet in the Park is ponsored by the Poetry Motel Foundation. For more information contact Dan Wilcox, at dwlcx@earthlink.net; 518-482-0262.

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