Straphangers Protest Through Poetry

It looks like we are not the only ones having an Airing of Grievances.  In NYC, there was a poetry contest called “Vent your Inspiration” where poets and writers could complain about the subways that they ride in the city. 

Organizer Susanna Zaraysky said:

“Since the subway is something that people use every day, and so many people complain about it for various reasons, I thought that we could do something much more fun than writing a complaint letter and actually have a community event to have people express what they want to change on the subway,”

The judges went through all of the submissions from more than 170 poets and came up with 14 winners and runners-up who read their work at the esteemed Bowery Poetry Club.  The winning poems of this contest are going to be sent to the MTA and Governor-elect Spitzer in order to bring attention to the problems and concerns facing the riders of the subways.

Link to NY1: Straphangers Protest Through Poetry

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