Upcoming Literary Events – Week of October 20, 2019

We have another great week of readings, open mics, events, workshops, and slams in the area to celebrate the literary arts.
Poetry Open Mic

We have another great week of readings, open mics, events, workshops, and slams in the area to celebrate the literary arts. Here is a look at what is coming up in our community this week…


Sunday, October 20

11:00 am – Outliers Poetry Brunch
Eden Cafe, 269 Osborne Road, Loudonville, NY
Poets delivering their work on stage in a lovely environment with food and beverages to purchase and enjoy. Hosted by Carol Durant.

12:30 pm – The Wide World: Master class in literary translation (all genres) with Sarah Arvio
Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow, NY
In this master class, we will work from any language into English, and in any literary genre. All language skill levels are welcome.

2:00 pm –Spooktacular Sunday
Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY
Enjoy a Spooktacular Expo at the library featuring psychics, tarot card and palm readers, astrologers, spooky authors, artists, crafters and more!

4:00 pm –Wild Game: Reading & Signing with Adrienne Brodeur
Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston, NY
Rough Draft is thrilled to welcome Adrienne Brodeur to Kingston for a reading and signing of her memoir, Wild Game — a daughter’s tale of living in the thrall of her magnetic, complicated mother, and the chilling consequences of her complicity.


Monday, October 21

3:30 pm –Write Here, Write Now
Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Avenue, Saugerties, NY
A weekly Creative Writing Group for Grades 7-12 at the Saugerties Public Library.

6:00 pm – Local Author to Speak
Cohoes Public Library, Cohoes, NY
Award-winning mystery author, Catherine Bruns will speak at the library about her various series, including Penne Dreadful, part of her new Italian Chef series.

7:00 pm –Poetic Vibe
Troy Kitchen, 77 Congress Street, Troy, NY
Poetic Vibe is a weekly Poetry Open Mic, hosted by D. Colin, with featured local and regional poets at Troy Kitchen.

7:30 pm – Front Parlor – Albany
The Olde English Pub, 25 Quackenbush Square, Albany, NY
A storytelling night at The Olde English Pub with a different theme each month hosted by Gregor Wynnyczuk. This month’s theme is “Scary Stories”.


Tuesday, October 22

5:30 pm – Book Signing and Talk with Naturalist, Author, and Filmmaker Paul Rosolie
The University Club of Albany, 141 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY
Naturalist, author, and award-winning wildlife filmmaker Paul Rosolie will speak about his new book, The Girl and the Tiger, which has been called a “21st-century Jungle Book”.

7:00 pm – Club Helsinki Open Mic
Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY
A weekly open mic for music, performance, and poetry on the incredible Club Helsinki stage.

7:00 pm – Emack and Bolio’s Open Mic Night
Emack & Bolio’s, Delaware Ave., Albany, NY
A weekly open mic for music and poetry.

7:00 pm – Rensselaerville Library Poetry Group
Rensselaerville Library, 1459 County Route 351, Rensselaerville, NY
Bring your poem and receive feedback from fellow poets, or just share your words at the Rensselaerville Library Poetry Group on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month.

7:00 pm – Storytelling Open Mic Night
Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, NY
Storytellers of all styles and levels of experience are welcome! Enjoy an evening of true stories, traditional tales, myths, fables, family stories and more. A featured storyteller performs for 30 minutes and open mic tellers have 10 minutes each.

7:00 pm – Northampton Poetry Community Poetry Circle and Potluck
World War II Club, 50 Conz St., Northampton, MA
Northampton Poetry Community presents it’s fourth Tuesday free community potluck and poetry circle.


Wednesday, October 23

6:30 pm – Wednesday’s Milkweed Poetry
Milkweed Sugar Loaf, 2 & 3 Romer’s Alley, Chester, NY
“Make poems, hear Poems, Share Poems.” A weekly gathering with a new featured poet each week. Bring a dish to share if you’d like.



Thursday, October 24

8:00 am – Shut Up and Write: Great Barrington
Fuel, 293 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA
Come work on your book, blog, essay, etc., and get feedback and support from fellow writers. Or if you prefer not to share your work, that’s fine too. The goal here is to write write write!

3:00 pm –Book Discussion with Dr. Cotter – NEA Big Read
Howland Public Library, 313 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Join Mount Saint Mary College English Professor Dr. James Cotter as he leads a stimulating discussion about this year’s title, Burning Bright by Ron Rash.

7:00 pm – Rockhill Bakehouse Open Mic
Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe, 19 Exchange Street, Glens Falls, NY
Weekly open mic for musicians and writers.

7:00 pm – Hudson River Poets
Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY
Established and emerging poets are welcome to join the Hudson River Poets at their monthly meeting. You can choose to just listen to local poets, or if you’re feeling brave,  bring your own poem to share!

7:30 pm – Visiting Writers Series: Sharon Olds and Ocean Vuong
UAlbany Campus Center, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY
Major poet Sharon Olds joins her former student Ocean Vuong, a rising star of American poetry for an evening of poetry and discussion.

7:30 pm – Utica Poets Society Spoken Word Open Mic
The Other Side, 2011 Genesee Street, Utica, NY
Weekly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a non-mandatory theme.


Friday, October 25

10:00 am – Power Writing
Tech Valley Center of Gravity, 30 3rd Street, Troy, NY
The Troy Creative Writing Meetup brings you this weekly gathering where you’ll share your work and progress with other writers. Each session gives you the chance to give and take constructive feedback and engage in productive workshops, with hopes that you’ll leave with new pages accomplished. Bring your writing tools, a creative mind, and be ready to write!

11:30 am – Great Books Discussion
Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY
The Great Books Discussion Group focuses on carefully selected readings and questions from anthologies published by the Great Books Foundation and follows the Shared Inquiry Method promoted by the foundation.

1:00 pm – Empowerment Exchange Writers’ Group
Troy Public Library – Lansingburgh Branch, 27 114th Street, Troy, NY
Join former local columnist Mark Radz and the Empowerment Exchange to explore poetry and story writing.


Saturday, October 26

4:00 pm – Bi-Weekly Writer’s Critique
Tech Valley Center of Gravity, 30 3rd Street, Troy, NY
This is a bi-weekly gathering where local writers engage in constructive feedback and criticism of each others’ work. Bring whatever piece you’re working on and prepare for a helpful and productive discussion.


[su_note note_color=”#F1F1F1″ radius=”0″]If you would like to have your poetry event listed on the Albany Poets Events Calendar, click here and fill out the form to submit your event.[/su_note]

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