Upcoming Poetry Events – Week of July 14, 2013

Summer is here and what better way to beat the heat than some cool words. The poetry and spoken word will be flowing all week starting on Sunday afternoon in Troy with the Poetry + Prose open mic at the Arts Center.


Summer is here and what better way to beat the heat than some cool words. The poetry and spoken word will be flowing all week starting on Sunday afternoon in Troy with the Poetry + Prose open mic at the Arts Center. The busiest poet in Albany, Dan Wilcox, will be hosting three events this week. The previously mentioned reading in Troy, the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center on Thursday, and finishing off the week with the second Poets in the Park reading on Saturday.

If he can support this much local poetry, so should you. Here is what is coming up in Poetryland this coming week…

Sunday, July 14

2:00pm – Poetry + Prose
The Arts Center of The Capital Region, 265 River Street, Troy, NY
A monthly open mic for writers of poetry and prose on the 2nd Sunday of each month with your hosts Nancy Klepsch and Dan Wilcox.


Monday, July 15

7:30pm – Front Parlor
The Olde English Pub, 25 Quackenbush Square, Albany, NY
A storytelling night at The Olde English Pub with a different theme each month. This month’s theme is “Surprise”.

8:00pm – Club Harmony
Wok ‘N Roll Cafe, 52 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY
Weekly poetry open mic with a featured reader hosted by Michael Platsky.


Tuesday, July 16

7:00pm – Club Helsinki Open Mic
Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY
A weekly open mic for music, performance, and poetry on the incredible Club Helsinki stage.

7:00pm – Emack and Bolio’s Open Mic Night
Emack & Bolio’s, Delaware Ave., Albany, NY
A weekly open mic for music and poetry

7:00pm – Colonie Tuesday Night Live Poets’ Corner
William K. Sanford Town Library, 629 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville, NY
ocal poets and writers of all ages are invited to present six to ten minutes of their original work at this open reading forum. The public is encouraged to stop in and listen. Hosted by William Robert Foltin.

7:00pm – Nitty Gritty Slam #49
Valentine’s, 17 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY
Albany Poets, Urban Guerilla Theatre, and The Frequency North Reading Series are bringing slam back to Albany with the NITTY GRITTY SLAM. NGS takes place at Valentine’s (17 New Scotland Ave.) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of each month. If you’re not into slam, but want to get on stage and share your work, we have an open mic before the slam. Sign up begins at 7PM, open mic starts at 7:30, and the slam starts at 8PM. Admission is $5.00 ($3.00 with student ID). This is an 18+ show.

8:00pm – WXW Tuesday Project – Open Mic
yBar, 391 North Street, Pittsfield, MA
An open mic for those who wish to share poetry or short prose, either of their own or of others hosted by Gabriel Squailia.


Wednesday, July 17

7:00pm – Poetry, Beacon
Beacon Yoga, 464 Main Street, Beacon, NY
Monthly open mic for poets and poetry with featured readers hosted by Adrianna Delgado and Glenn Werner.

8:00pm – Pauly’s Hotel Open Mic Night
Pauly’s Hotel, 337 Central Ave., Albany, NY
Poetry, Music, Comedy and more take center stage at Pauly’s weekly Open Mic Night hosted by Brian LaPoint and Joshua Gruft.


Thursday, July 18

7:00pm – Poetry Slam at Parlor Cafe
The Parlor Cafe, 303 Ashland Street, North Adams, MA
Monthly poetry slam in the Berkshires with cash prizes.

7:00pm – Rockhill Bakehouse Open Mic
Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe, 19 Exchange Street, Glens Falls, NY
Weekly open mic for musicians and writers.

7:30pm – Third Thursday Poetry Night
Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY
Long running monthly open mic (1 poem) with a featured poet hosted by Dan Wilcox. This month’s featured poet is Bob Elmendorf.

8:00pm – Starving Artist Thursdays
Hudson River Coffee House, 227 Quail Street, Albany, NY 12203
A weekly open Mic for music, poetry, and spoken word at one of Albany’s best new coffee shops.


Friday, July 19

8:00pm – Hudson Valley Writers’ Center 
Hudson Valley Writers’ Center, 300 Riverside Drive, Sleepy Hollow, NY
Featured Poets + open mike for poets, fiction writers, essayists with rotating hosts. Located in the restored Philipse Manor railroad station, which is approx. 30 miles north of midtown Manhattan and 2.6 miles north of the Tappan Zee Bridge.

8:00pm – The Parlor Cafe Open Mic
The Parlor Cafe, 303 Ashland Street, North Adams, MA
A weekly open mic each and every Friday at the Parlor Cafe in North Adams for poets, musicians, and artists. Signup at the bar and get ready for the show, starting at 8:00pm.


Saturday, July 20

7:00pm – Mudd Poets Poetry Series
Mudd Puddle Cafe, 10 Main Street, New Paltz, NY
Monthly poetry open mic series with featured readers hosted by Robert Milby.

7:00pm – Poets in the Park
Robert Burns Statue, Washington Park, Albany, NY
Poets in the Park is a long-running summertime poetry reading series that takes place on Saturdays in July at the Robert Burns statue, Washington Park, Albany at Henry Johnson Blvd. & Hudson Ave. The featured poets for the second Poets in the Park for 2013 are  Urayoan Noel and Melissa Tuckey


For a full listing of all of the poetry and spoken word events in upstate New York, head over to the events calendar page. And if you live in the Western Massachusetts / Connecticut area, be sure to check out Lori Desrosiers‘ Poetry News Calendar.

If you would like to have your poetry event listed on AlbanyPoets.com, send an email to albanypoets+events@gmail.com with the date and details.

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